Monday, May 30, 2016

GJ tuesday 31/5

Gj open candle as of 6am was at 162.672 which directyly indicates closure above LQP 162.50 and directly hint a buy upwards towards 165.00

Gj 8am candle however open at 162.181 but close at 162.579

Point to remember is if the price close above or below LQP as a mean to indicate the next path.
If however the price close above or below a HZ lvl, then a clear confirmation by 8am as to properly indicate the direction.

As in previous case the 6am candle open at 158.20, but 8am candle open above 158.25. When i follow the former for sell (though it`s within the HZ area), i was wrong as the price follow the latter bullish upwards.

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