Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Presently, the price is only ranging between 1.0903 and 1.0938 with the nearest low at 1.0983.
Probably it`ll remain as such for both days - today and thursday before the new year 2016 pops in.

Profit today - 0.93
Pips today - 30 pips.

Balance - 180.87
Equity - 116.56
Level % - 1186.76.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

1st Quarter Plan

My target equity by the end of March 2016 is at USD1000.

My present equity is at 117.67 with a balances around 179.94 (balances floating due to previous wrong entry) and remain afloat until further notices.

My present Shunpo and Shunko entry is at 0.01 with Shunpo at a maximum of 5 layer (50 pips) and Shunko at 20 layer max (1050 pips) and Qep at 6 layer (45 pips)

Size entry
Qep - 0.03 * 45 pips = 1.35 per way. Total target at 90 pips @ USD2.70
Shunpo - 0.01 * 50 pips = 0.50 per way. Total target at 100 pips @ USD1.00
Shunko - 0.01 * 1050 pips = 10.50 . Total target at 1050 pips @USD10.50

Target per day minimum @ USD3.70
Target per week minimum @ USD29.00
Target per month @ USD116.00

Based on calculation, there`s no way i`ll achieve USD1000 by March end. Typically amount at USD527.94.
Let us see, shall we.

Wednesday 30/12/2015

Previous day High - 1.0986
Previous day Low - 1.0903

Buy Stop setup - 1.0995 (25 pips) tp 1.1020 @ 5 layer
Sell Stop setup - 1.0885 (25 pips) tp 1.0870 @ 5 layer

Shunpo High - 1.1157
Shunpo Low - 1.0857

Im still waiting to reach below 1.09, so i could arrange an entry for buy towards 1.11 by Wednesday.
In sha allah..


As a mean to have a better and workable trading system, i have to better understand my own flaws and nature if there is.

My system requires a simple pending order entry which would allow me to earn at least 45 pips (4 deci) or 450 points (5 deci) per "way" under Qep method.

However, my Shunpo remain 50/50 as it only indicates pre-meditated chart movement.

Now, what i try to do is based on

a) where the price is at 4pm and 8pm tf d1 and compare with the Opening price.
b) if the price of that time is lower than the opening, then targeted sell it is. and vice versa.
c) for the entry and the tp targeted must be calculated along the the previous Daily high and low.

For example, current High is 1.0986 and current Low is 1.0903 for both daily and weekly.
Thus if the price were in between tomorrow, then if it`s above

1.0950, thus the buy will be between 1.0950 - 1.0986, and the next setup buy will be at 1.0995 (5-10 pips differences including the spread calculation)

1.0950, thus the sell will be between 1.0950 - 1.0903, and the next setup sell will be at 1.0895 (5-10 pips differences including the spread calculation)

d) the overall range within 100 pips, in between.

let me re-try the process in between.


The above ss indicates few layer entry with a very big entry size of usd23 and usd75, thus the profit scenario is bigger.

But what i want to understand is, the user trading style.

I have to learn according to what i need to know and incorporate with my knowledge.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

1minit timeframe

Teknik 1 minit entry, just like 1 minit ohlc GE, dan juga cara Faizal Sellindikator in terms of "nama".

1 minit adalah punca bergerak?
of course kalau based on scalping method


I`m not too fond of scalping, though.

Teknik Someone

1.Modal mesti bawah RM100
2.Untung mesti 100% setiap hari atau setiap jam
3.Mesti lawan trend
4.Jangan jaga MM
5.Saiz Entri mesti besar
6.Wajib wdraw setiap hari
7.Trade hanya 1 pair
8.Tradf 1 arah sampai profit
9.Mesti belajar risiko rugi
10. Mesti belajar pengurusan kerugian

my thoughts

1. small capital as of USD25 / USD30 only
2. profit 100% within each hour or every day. so to say a day equity usd25, and the need to profit 100% equal to usd50. risky?
3. against trend? trading against trend?
4. MM ignore. The trading style is either you make or break.
5. Entry size big

suffice to say, scalping against the trend (unsure the tf) and ignore the MM with the entry size bigger in terms of margin.

if equity is usd100, thus the size per entry - usd10? - 10 pips then kaboom.
so, if not 10% it would be 1% i.e usd1. well, it`s possible and potential yes.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Layer technique - big amount - USD100 per entry

The above are a sample trading method of one belonging to Hafizat Rusli. Though a lot of people claiming him to be scammer or otherwise, for his excessive charges, that is his own choice and reason.

But for me, i`m interested on his way of trading methodological skills.

To have an earning of USD399,496.44 and counting (MYR1,597,985.76) from a on going trade of "buy GJ" currency at an entry size of USD100 per trad.

It`s a simply breakout technique, which incorporate layer (instant layer) of  between 5-10 or more and the pips is between 15-20 pips each.

And such a big amount of "profit" can only be achievable provided you have a strong / large amount of equity.

Last December week - 28/12 - 1/1

Trend to me remain uptrend for this week , thus the potential January move and the whole 1st quarter of 2016 to be moving towards 1.24xx.

This week calculation indicates

Bankai ; 1.0912 with potential high at 1.1212 (however, the max high is set as at 1.1054 with the next possible is 1.1117)

High - 1.1158 (which is 1.1117)
Low - 1.0858

- sell mode.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekly - Update

Weekly Range - opening 1.0965

Differences todate
Opening and High -141 pips (1.1106)
Opening and Low - 2 pips (1.0963)
Overall Range - 143 pips.

The typical range for weekly remains at 300 movement. Based on the monthly range it surely either achieves the targeted 1.14 by month end.

However it would seem unlikely as the weekly range is can only indicates a range between 1.09 - 1.12 or 1.08 - 1.11.

But there`s a market issues occurring this week which will affect this coming thursday. 

If i were to based on my original target, with a potential boost of 300 pips bullish - it`ll hit 1.14. And vice versa, a 300 pips bearish could hit 1.06.

Pending confirmation the next 2 days.

MOnthly - Update

Monthly Range Update - 27/7/15

Differences todate
Opening and High - 84 pips  (1.1208)
Opening and Low - 323 pips(1.0801)
Overall Range - 407 pips

If looking at this monthly range, it can be implied that the potential next week movement is bullish towards the next 300 pips momentum.

The opening price for today though was at 1.0965, instead of what was targeted at 1.1101 for last week as a mean to complete the weekly cycle.

As such, there`s still a potential of going further up towards 1.1401 or 1.0601 but it all depends on today's result.

As of now the Highest achieve is 1.1106 with low remain at 1.0965. Based on the present low figure, the highest it could achieve in terms of weekly is at 1.1265 thus a mere resemblances of the previous high range. And also it would not complete the whole potential pictures of monthly range.

High - 1.1208
Low - 1.0608

Thursday, July 23, 2015



Opening - 1172.61
Low todate - 1086.70 (8591 pips)
High todate - 1174.69 (2080 pips)

Range - 8799 pips

Either the monthly itself is 8000 or 9000 pips range remain to be seen and understand.
If it`s as such, then there would be no more room for it to bounce back above.
But on a balance term if such a bounce and balances available, it would need to reach another 6000 plus pips. So i could guess a potential of 16000 pips range in terms of monthly.

Meaning to say, the next highest before month end could be 1246.70

Opening - 1131.81
Low todate - 1086.70 (4511 pips)
High todate - 1132.53 (72pips)
Range - 4583 pips

I would guess that the weekly range is at 8000 pips thus a potential bounce upwards within this 2 days for gold.

I say targeted price at 1166.70 potentially.

Opening - 1093.73
Low todate - 1093.16 (47)
High todate - 1105.31 (1158)
Range - 1215 pips

I woulg guess the daily range is at 4000 pips thus a potential upwards to 1113.73 or 1133.16

Let`s see tomorrow then.

Update @ 4.20pm

The weekly range todate for EU has reached 196 pips, with another 104 more to go within this 2 days.
The daily range remains 83 pips with a potential of another 67 or 117 pips to go potentially.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Monthly Range todate - 1.1124

Differences todate
Opening and High - 84 pips  (1.1208)
Opening and Low - 323 pips(1.0801)
Overall Range - 407 pips

If looking at this monthly range, it can be implied that the potential next week movement is bullish towards the next 300 pips momentum.

Weekly Range todate - 1.0823

Differences todate
Opening and High -138 pips (1.0961)
Opening and Low - 22 pips (1.0801)
Overall Range - 160 pips.

If i were to based on this understanding, the potential movement for the month between the last 2 weeks is bullish towards 1.14 as per previous calculations. If it breaks below 1.0801, the lowest it could go is 1.0774,

Updates @ 22/7/2015

Been a while after my previous update. Been learning few things and now my trading are purely based on ranging mode.

I as of this time can conclude that there`s a habitual movement for EU according to it`s daily, weekly and monthly range. However to understand the nature of the trend still requires more in-depth knowledge and further understanding.

The daily range as per the typical habit is range in between 130 - 150 pips, while the lesser could reach around 80-100 pips while the most could go up between 200 - 250 pips. And usually the most are purely because of the nature of the previous daily range that did not achieve it`s typical range of 130 - 150 thus the balances was brought forward as a mean to compensate.

The weekly range based on what i can look at can be decided during the 1st day of the week during the "gap" occurences. If the gap closes below, the range movement will be up, and vice versa.

The range movements usually takes between 300 - 400 pips with the former being the typical habit movement. And at this time being, i could only based the potential high and low of the week based on the opening price and range in between which i placed around 150 pips in between.

The example as per below

Opening price after the gap - 1.0950
Potential High of the week - 1.1100
Potential Low of the week - 1.0800

The potential low or high of the week can be ascertained on Monday itself, with Wednesday and Friday being the days to confirm the validity.

For instances, EU this week

Open - 1.0823
Potential High - 1.0973
Potential Low - 1.0773

The price set the low as at 1.0801 on Monday while today (Wednesday), the price has reached 1.0961 (138pips) , thus the potential for it to move higher will be decided on this coming Friday.

But the present price set as at 1.0889 with the possibility of it`s heading toward the lowest low of the week.
And this can only be known if it`s break below 1.0800 within this 48 hours or less.

Looking at the 4hr timeframe, the last movement could be completed by 0400am before any possible retracement.

Now that`s remain to be seen this week.

The monthly range possibly 600 pips or 700 pips.

If i were to calculate according to this monthly opening price

Open price - 1.1124
Potential High - 1.1424 / 1.1474
Potential Low - 1.0824 / 1.0774

Another 2 weeks at least to see whether my targeted range as per the actual to be...

The concept is pretty much the same

Daily range - 150 pips with 75 pips in between
Weekly range - 300 pips with 150 pips in between
Monthly range - 600 pips with 300 pips in between.

The only thing to understand is the trend mode.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bijak Forex technique

Will be adding up the above mentioned technique today for a test try. Buy Stop 1.1060 tp 1.1080 Buy Limit 1.1045 tp 1.1065 Buy Limit 1.1030 tp 1.1030 Sell Stop 1.1050 tp 1.1030 Sell Limit 1.1065 tp 1.1045 Sell Limit 1.1080 tp 1.1060 BS1 - tp done.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Saving mode

July 2015 - RM20 per day, RM140 per week, RM560.00 per month, RM3360.00 by year end 2015. RM3360.00 PS4 - RM1680.00 plus games. USD500 top up for UMOFX account - RM1680.00

Rules to remind myself

1. No overtrading 2. Monitor the MM to remain above 1000. 3. No layer, no breakout strategy. 4. Size based on the the equity, not balance. Starting base Phase 1 10-100usd - size 0.01. target pips 100 = 1.00 per day. 5.00 per week. 20.00 per month. 100 - 200 usd - size 0.02 target pips 100 = 2.00 per day, 10.00 per week. 40.00 per month 200 - 300 usd - size 0.03 target pips 100 = 3.00 per day, 15.00 per week. 60.00 per month 300 - 400 usd - size 0.04 target pips 100 = 4.00 per day, 20.00 per week. 80.00 per month 400 - 500 usd - size 0.05 target pips 100 = 5.00 per day, 25.00 per week. 100.00 per month 500 - 600 usd - size 0.06 target pips 100 = 6.00 per day, 30.00 per week, 120.00 per month 600 - 700 usd - size 0.07 target pips 100 = 7.00 per day, 35.00 per week, 140.00 per month 700 - 800 usd - size 0.08 target pips 100 = 8.00 per day, 40.00 per week, 160.00 per month. 800 - 900 usd - size 0.09 target pips 100 = 9.00 per day, 45.00 per week, 180.00 per month 900 - 1000usd- size 0.10 target pips 100 = 10.00 per day, 50.00 per week, 200.00 per month. Phase 2 1000 - 2000 usd - size 0.20 target pips 100 = 20.00 per day, 100.00 per week, 400.00 per month 2000 - 3000 usd - size 0.30 target pips 100 = 30.00 per day, 150.00 per week, 600.00 per month 3000 - 4000 usd - size 0.40 target pips 100 = 40.00 per day, 200.00 per week, 800.00 per month 4000 - 5000 usd - size 0.50 target pips 100 = 50.00 per day, 250.00 per week, 1000.00 per month 5000 - 6000 usd - size 0.60 target pips 100 = 60.00 per day, 300.00 per week, 1200.00 per month 6000 - 7000 usd - size 0.70 target pips 100 = 70.00 per day, 350.00 per week, 1400.00 per month 7000 - 8000 usd - size 0.80 target pips 100 = 80.00 per day, 400.00 per week, 1600.00 per month 8000 - 9000 usd - size 0.90 target pips 100 = 90.00 per day, 450.00 per week, 1800.00 per month 9000 - 10000usd - size 1.00 target pips 100 = 100.00 per day, 500.00 per week, 2000.00 per month Phase 3 10000 - 20000 usd - size 2.00 target pips 100 = 200.00 per day, 1000.00 per week, 4000.00 per month 20000 - 30000 usd - size 3.00 target pips 100 = 300.00 per day, 1500.00 per week, 6000.00 per month 30000 - 40000 usd - size 4.00 target pips 100 = 400.00 per day, 2000.00 per week, 8000.00 per month 40000 - 50000 usd - size 5.00 target pips 100 = 500.00 per day, 2500.00 per week, 10000.00 per month 50000 - 60000 usd - size 6.00 target pips 100 = 600.00 per day, 3000.00 per week, 12000.00 per month 60000 - 70000 usd - size 7.00 target pips 100 = 700.00 per day, 3500.00 per week, 14000.00 per month 70000 - 80000 usd - size 8.00 target pips 100 = 800.00 per day, 4000.00 per week, 16000.00 per month 80000 - 90000 usd - size 9.00 target pips 100 = 900.00 per day, 4500.00 per week, 18000.00 per month 90000 - 100000usd - size 10.00 target pips 100 = 1000.00 per day, 5000.00 per week, 200000.00 per month. Phase 4 100000 - 200000 usd - size 20.00 target pips 100 = 2000.00 per day, 10000.00 per week, 40000.00 per month 200000 - 300000 usd - size 30.00 target pips 100 = 3000.00 per day, 15000.00 per week, 60000.00 per month 300000 - 400000 usd - size 40.00 target pips 100 = 4000.00 per day, 20000.00 per week, 80000.00 per month 400000 - 500000 usd - size 50.00 target pips 100 = 5000.00 per day, 25000.00 per week, 10000.00 per month 500000 - 600000 usd - size 60.00 target pips 100 = 6000.00 per day, 30000.00 per week, 12000.00 per month 600000 - 700000 usd - size 70.00 target pips 100 = 7000.00 per day, 35000.00 per week, 14000.00 per month 700000 - 800000 usd - size 80.00 target pips 100 = 8000.00 per day, 40000.00 per week, 16000.00 per month 800000 - 900000 usd - size 90.00 target pips 100 = 9000.00 per day, 45000.00 per week, 18000.00 per month 900000 - 1000000usd - size 100.00 target pips 100 = 10000.00 per day, 50000.00 per week, 20000.00 per month. Phase 5 1000000 - 2000000 usd - size 200.00 target pips 100 = 20000.00 per day, 100000.00 per week, 400000.00 per month.

Update @ MOnday 22/6

My account has gone down the drain due to my common mistake, overtrading and did not follow my rules unfortunately. Now i will rebounce back to rebuild my account back using the simple process only, no breakout technique / morning technique whatever until i have firmly grasp better understanding on lots of things. My focus will remain as EU with a daily pips targeted of 100pips.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Breakout system

Dia guna breakout system Pasang buy stop & sell stop 10 pips dr price semasa, TP 20-30 pips camtu, pastu bukak multiple post Of coz la senang2 dapat at least 100 pips per trade, mana x nya 20 pips x 5 post = 100 pips -- The above info obtained from CG about the techniques uses by Hafizzat Rusli. I was told that this is one of the technique he uses to trade. Now breakout system provided the chances of breakout is 80% above, then i believed is valid. Further more to open multiple post ? This is akin to my morning EU technique? But the scenario with my EU technique in the morning does not guarantee a range of 50 pips from the opening price as it depends on where the nearest support and resistance. If i were to open pending post open buy/sell stop 5-10 pips from the opening price with TP at 10 pips with 10 multiple post each at 0.01 , what would be the profit like? 10pipsx 10 opening = 100 x 0.01 = 1.00? Why i did not thought about this in the first place? Trial basis on Tuesday morning.

Learning updates

Key importance 1. Moving Average 20 / 50. Best usage for H1 and H4 as H1 can achieve at least 75 pips while H4 at least 350 pips. 2. Support and Resistance, buy at support and sell at resistance. 3. Buy at low, sell at high. 4. To know more about candle pattern especially the reversal part. 5. Every 1 candle reversal, can only last for 3 candles. 6. Thus, 1 hour candle reversal can gain tp for the 3 hour candle whilst 4 hour candle can gain tp for the next 12 hour candle. 7. Understand the Supply and Demand and RBS/SBR 8. Supply and Demand entry can be use twice - 1st entry, range low, 2nd entry, range high 9. Support Before Resistance / Resistance Before Support, effective only after 2nd retest. Trading Plan Update 1. Morning trade as usual at 8am - 5 pips above/below the opening price. 2. Identify the weekly trend based on the MA 20 and MA 50. Set up based on the Support and Demand indication. 3. Use the Daily Hour chart to setup for the week. Target pips long term 100 pips-200 pips. 4. LL and HH trend check every 4 hours as per usual. 5. Buy Limit from the previous support and Sell Limit from the previous resistance. 6. If any candlestick reversal or breakout / breakaway, to reset a new entry up to the next support / resistance. Target TP 1. Target daily profit of USD2.50 minimum per day. 2. Target weekly profit of USD2.50 minimum per week (Swing) 3. End week profit of USD15.00.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Haffizat Rusli

Based on what i can see from the live trade result 1. Focus on GJ trade only. 2. Leverage usage is 1:2000? 3. Lot size open is at 100.00 4. Pips taken only 20-30 pips. 5. On the spot entry and quick profit and exit. notes; this can also be applied by our end, provided we have sufficient capital, good money management and excellent trading plan. for example, if EU/US trend were known to break below / above a specific resistance and support (breakout), 1. we can enter 5 /10 / 20 pips entry with a bigger size lot in line with proper margin. 2. say the potential trend is 50 pips, in between we could have at least 10 / 5 / 3 entry.

Updates @ 11.15pm

EU Opening - 1.1237 Price presently - 1.1275 HH - 1.1288 LL - 1.1143 Resistance 1. 1.1332 2. 1.1386 Support 1. 1.1182 2. 1.1143 Unless the price go above 1.1332, major trend may change to downtrend next week. It all depends on the closing price by tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Trading Plan

What would be my trading plan. 1. Morning technique of 5-15 pip set 5 pips above or below the opening price at the size of 0.01/0.05. Will increase to 0.10 should the technique proves workable. 2. Set up sell / buy stop / limit at 50-60 pips above / below the opening price based on the daily range. Set only 2 at 0.01 with 50/100 pips setup. 3. Hourly check on the trend and HH/LL with the day before to ensure proper entry on the spot. 4. Always keep an eye on the pin bar setup for any reversal, possible and entry with profit target 10 pips before the next support / resistance. 5. To reduce overtrading and floating as much as possible.


Learning process with new things in. The morning setup appears ok but need to reduce the gap between opening price and set up. Will try to set 5 pips apart with 0.05 size at 5 pips for the morning gap, and another at 0.01 size at 10 pips. Targeted profit of 0.70 cents only. Will increase should the profit ratio are 80-100% Now focusing on trend - major trend and minor trend. It was said that EU major trend is buy while minor is EU. As the price was rejected at 1.138 twice within 2 weeks period, it would safe to say that the direction would go down below the present low of 1.117x to reach 1.10xx, before it resume upwards. My guesses as this week, the closing price would be below the opening price at 1.1118.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Updates Tuesday

This week surely a very different week than the last. I could not use the same method as of last week to capture the movements of LL and HH. Thus i could not gain profit as per what was plan earlier. Never the less it shows me that there are lots of things to learn of course. Can`t expect myself to be successful simply by using this method as the market is not predictable as mentioned by all. But in this 2 weeks, i did notices few things that probably can be used. 1. Identifying the opening price in the morning a 0800am. 2. Set Buy/Sell stop 10 pips above/below the opening price at 10/20/30 pips. 3. Set Buy/Sell Limit 20 pips above/below the opening price at 10 pips. 4. Set Buy/Sell Limit 50 pips above/below the opening price at 30 pips. 5. Set Buy/Sell stop 70 pips above/below the opening price at 50 pips. Usually the point 2-3 would occur between 8am-12noon. The point 4-5 would occur between 4-8pm. Will see how it goes as this will start as at 0.01.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Apparently the trend remain upwards with no sign of reversal or retracement to 1.1095. Will review an redo again tomorrow.

Updates@ 10pm

Notes 1. Downtrend did occur as of 4pm - 5pm H1 candle but only on that particular period. However it was not the LOD as the LOD of 1.1076 occurs at a much earlier time today with the range of 20 pips from the opening price of 1.0976. 2. As per the MM4X notes, LOD/HOD would only happened during the later half of the day between the period of 4-12pm. 3. Thus i would believe there's a potential DOWNTREND between 12-4am before the closing price. 4. Presently the HOD have been set as at 1.1217 which started as of 7pm-10pm. However it is not known whether there's chance of further up? 5. The present range of pips from opening to HOD is 140-150pips. 6. If a DT were to occur it would most probably be about 170pips, a major DT? 7. However this is mere speculations on my end and understanding. 8. If the trend remain as it is, then it is considered LOD was first and later HOD. The timing for the evening part remain the same. Only thing is, which way should it be based upon. 9. Either way, i just have to wait and see the closing price either 1.1070 or 1.1110.


A bit confused on the movement today, it did not generate any LOD/HOD yet thus far like the movement is being relaxing. The trend is not pretty clear thus both my open pending are triggered, though i`m unsure which one it should be. Will wait until 7pm for further next of action.

Monday @ 3.09pm

EU Opening - 1.09? Based on the candle from 12-3pm, it is consecutively uptrend. Therefore based on my daily cycle trend, there`ll be reversal down towards 100 pips below from 1.1140 to 1.1040. As of 3pm-6pm. My calculations for a setup either uptrend or downtrend are based on the opening price of the day and range of 50pips plus spread for a possible entry point in either direction. Actual count for Sell was at 1.1040 while buy at 1.1150. As at present time, the HH as of this moment is 1.1152 therefore should have triggered the Uptrend movements As of 3.29pm, the price has reached 1.1157 thus hit based on my daily range calculations but not based on the trend based. In the interim i have set Buy stop 1.1160 tp 1.1185 / 1.1210 / 1.1235 / 1.1260 This is at 0.01 while Sell stop 1.1120 tp 1.1095 / 1.1070 / 1.1045 / 1.1020 This is at 0.02

Friday, June 5, 2015

Next Week Trend - 8th June onwards

The trend can either look toward 1.06 or 1.17 with strong possibilities of going back to 1.08 before possible retracement to 1.12.


This week LOD/HOD trend Monday - LOD - HOD Tuesday - LOD - HOD Wednesday - LOD - HOD Thursday - HOD - LOD Friday - LOD - ? The thursday's trend is either due to the NFP impact by friday therefore the trend are different, or it is indeed vary from time to time. But after a thorough understanding, the trend based are focused mainly towards the end goal, building the momentum and the range / pips. The NFP trend is possibly start after the news itself at 8.30PM, though the hint are already shown during the 1hr timeframe 3-4pm. The LOD / HOD trend started as early by 3pm 1hr candle with the previous candle 1 hour of 1pm and 2pm showing the same trend. The HOD / LOD trend will be decided after the 1st completion by 6pm, with the consolidation process finish by 7pm.

Friday update

Yesterday i have to revised the trading plan thus cancelling off the gold currency from my list. Therefore i only concentrate on EU only, which i have to cut loss a lot due to previous mistakes made of overtrading and systemic error.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thursday @ 9.25am

TODAY ANALYSIS Opening Price EU - 1.1260 (Yesterday closing 1.1256) difference of 0.40 - EU close above the previous day opening at 105.00 GOLD - 1185.50 (Yesterday closing 1184.90)difference 0.60 - Gold close below the previous day opening at 7.20 Price Range (0800 - 1200) EU - 1.1247 (present) HH - 1.1258 LL - 1.1245 Range - 7 GOLD - 1182.24 (present) HH - 1185.81 LL - 1181.70 Range - 411 DMARK Trend EU TF H4 UTD 1.1184 TP 1.1565 (381) Broken Uptrend LTD 1.0900 TP 1.0520 (380) TF D1 UTD 1.0898 TP 1.1151 (253) Broken UPtrend LTD 1.0848 TP 1.0151 (698) UTD W1 UTD 1.0936 TP 1.1741 (805) Broken UPtrend LTD 1.0594 TP 0.9696 (899) Notes: - 1600 - 1800 - Potential DOWNTREND from 1.1200 to 1.1151 - 1800 - 2000 - Consolidation period before moving uptrend. - 2000 - 2200 - Potential UPTREND from 1.1210 to 1.1360 / 1.410 / 1.560 - 2200 - 0000 - Consolidation period before retracement to closing price - 0000 - 0400 - Potential price closing at 1.1310-1.1330 / 1.1360-1.1390 / 1.1510-1.1530 GOLD TF H4 UTD 1193.65 TP 1208.35 (1470) LTD 1187.42 TP 1167.96 (1946) Broken Downtrend TF D1 UTD 1205.70 tp 1218.94 (1324) Broken Uptrend LTD 1180.88 tp 1128.25 (5262) TF W1 UTD 1185.91 TP 1289.88 (10397) Broken Uptrend LTD 1192.93 TP 1144.79 (4815) Notes: - 1600 - 1800 - Potential DOWNTREND from 1193 to 1187. - 1800 - 2000 - Consolidation period before moving uptrend - 2000 - 2200 - Potential UPTREND from 1193 to 1208 - 2200 - 0000 - Consolidation period before retracement to closing price - 0000 - 0400 - Potential price closing at 1199 / 1200.

Guessing Game Dmark Trend

Will be updating this in the morning shortly MM4X @ Guessing Game plus Dmark trend. Points a) To check on the opening price, in order to identify the potential closing price. i.e Gold's opening price on 2/6 1189.50, the closing price was 1194. This is due to the high of the day was in range from 8pm-12pm. But should there's no movement at all since 6-8pm on the HOD point, then it`s possible a reversal momentum of HOD first then LOD secod. If the HOD occurs later, thus the closing price would be above 20-30 pips off the opening price or 20-30 pips off below the HOD. If the LOD occurs later, thus the closing price would be lower 20-30 pips off the opening price or 20-30 pips off above the LOD. b) Use Dmark trend analysis on H4 to identify the range of pips, and possible set-up. c) by 4pm, Sell mode with the proper size using 4 target - 25/50/75/100. d) by 6pm, Close the Sell position for those which has not reach TP. e) by 8pm, Buy mode with the proper size using 4 target - 25/50/75/100 f) by 10pm, close the buy position for those which has not reach TP. g) by 12am, Set up Buy/Sell of 10/20 pips below / above LOD/HOD - 10 pips only. h) Sleep and restart again the next day.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Guessing Game - 2nd June 2015

Closing price yesterday EU - 1.0930-1.0950 GOLD - 1188 - 1190 Closing price for yesterday setup at 12am hit this morning. Unfortunately i closed my pending Gold (loss at 0.28) from 1189 to 1187 Potential closing price EU - 1.0930 or 1.0970 GOLD - 1186 or 1190 Based on observation yesterday, EU/US moved from 1.0959 to 1.0885 (70pips) first half of the day, (12pm?) then goes up from 1.0885 to 1.0990 (105pips) at the second half (6-8pm), then retrace back to 1.0950 at the last half (10-12pm). Today EU's potential move 0800 - 1200 - from 1.0927 to 1.0970 (50) 1200 - 1600 - from 1.0970 to 1.0920 (50) 1600 - 2000 - from 1.0920 to 1.0840 (80) 2000 - 2400 - from 1.0840 to 1.0900 (60).

MM4X info

Based on what been mentioned by MM4X team The typical daily forex cycle Whatever movement is, it will close 20 pips below the start of the day even though the daily range maybe 100 plus pips. STEP 1 5.00PM EST@ 7.00AM JAPAN TIME 1. The hi and lo are reset 2. Price in, market maker push up 15-25 pips and then make a quick pull back down 3. Then go sideways 4. They push it again 15-25 pips. STEP 2 1.00AM EST TO 4.00AM EST @ 3.00PM AND 6.00PM JAPAN TIME 1. Sometime between the above timing, they`ll break out the Asian range in 3 swipe 2. They'll quickly change the high of the day, settle it and work it for 30-90 minutes. 3. This is a two spronged approach. 4. Reason they use the number 3 because we are stubborn. STEP 3 BETWEEN 3.00AM EST TO 5.00AM @ 5.00 AND 7.00PM JAPAN TIME 1. They start their move down. 2. These pattern usually take between 60-90 minutes up to 2 hours to setup. 3. They make a pullback and trap the long (buy) holders. 4. They will then quickly pull back of the high of the day, trapping all the long holders and they will hold this level. 5. They make a pull back of 25 to 50 pips and trap the long holders. 6. Now they've got them stuck. They go into consolidation 25-50 pips off the high, trade sideways for a few minutes and what do you start doing? 7. Then after 60 minutes or so of consolidation, they will start the trend run against their original move. 8. Once they set the high of the day off the break, they will start the channel and run the trend for 6-8 hours. 9. If you are going the wrong way, it`s a nightmare 10. Its slow, relentless, and its just keep going, going and going. 11. They will make this in 3 pushes, why? 12. It`s all about exploiting human nature. STEP 4 BETWEEN 8.30AM AND 10.30EST TIME @ 10.30PM AND 12.30PM JAPAN TIME 1. They will make some type of reversal pattern. 2. The safest one to take are the ones that take 60 to 90 minutes to setup. 3. Why? 4. People trade the break of the low from yesterday, even from 2 or 3 days ago. 5. They will get to the low, act aggresively again, open the spread, absorb the pendings, validate the patterns that everybody trades and snatch it away from them, 6. They will pull it off of the low, go back into consolidation to end the day 25-50 pips off the low. 7. Then start the process again the next day. STEP 5 1. Just initiate short positions once the high is set for the day, or long positions once the low is established. 2. Your stop loss for short trades is placed just outside the dealers grasp, above the high, or for long trades, below the low. 3. If you are correct in your assessment, your stop will rarely be triggered because the dealer will not move the entire market just to grab your loss. 4. If he does, he will allow the other traders to exit their trade. POINT TO UNDERSTAND 1. Understanding this cycle gives us a major edge in trading. 2. Once we can identify it in the chart, taking trade is simple, second nature even. 3. Just initiate short positions once the high is set for the day, or long positions once the low is set for the day. EXAMPLE 1. Asian Accumulation 2. Stop hunt low / high to hesitation zone 3. Buy / sell 4. Watch for 3 pushes to the low / high

This week analysis

Based on my Guessing Game 1. EU would most probably go up between 1.100 o 1.1050 before reversing back to 1.0800 2. However this trend could only be known by Tuesday itself. Based on my De Marker 1. Long term remain bullish up 1.17 with the next high target of 1.15 2. However for this week it still remain bearish with the possible of going back to 1.0800. 3. Only if the D1 downtrend broken, could it go below that to 1.06 / 1.05 or 1.01. Conclusion Short term and long term this week - DOWNTREND.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Thought for 1st June -5th June 2015

0100hrs from ? up 1.0945 0500hrs from 1.0945 up to 1.0965 (20pips) 0900hrs from 1.0965 down to 1.0950 (15pips) 1300hrs from 1.0950 down to 1.0935 (15pips) 1700hrs from 1.0935 up to 1.0950 (15pips) 2100hrs from 1.0950 up to 1.0985 (45pips) Last friday 29/5 Highest High at 1.0998 Lowest Low at 1.0918 Price 1.0981 Potentially 1. Buy Stop 1.1005 tp 1.1015 (10pips) 2. Sell Limit at 1.0995 tp 1.0945 (50pips) 3. Buy Limit at 1.0935 tp 1.0945 (10pips) 4. Sell Stop at 1.0925 tp 1.0875 (50pips) 5. Buy Limit at 1.0865 tp 1.0875 (10pips) 6. Sell Stop at 1.0855 tp 1.0805 (50pips) This is purely speculation and under experimental basis until the end of 1st week of June. The size for each post would 0.01 basis. Will be keeping the track on every h4 HH and LL price point. FROM MMX4 GU - buy stop 1.5250 tp 1.5450 (200pips) size at 0.01. Based on trend basis, if GU up then EU would be up as well, same as GOLD. However, the Dmark daily analysis is as per usual basis. In order to keep up the profit accordingly, revised to be made again. H1 - 10 pips at 0.03 H4 - 50 pips at 0.02 D1 - 100 pips at 0.01 This would be the last week tryout for Dmark and will use the latest update thus far. For the "Guessing Trend" - will use the first week as tryout and whatever the result is will double check again next week.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Analysis GOLD @9.00am

Price presently at 1187.50 TF H1 - probable UTD 1188.40 TP 1192 (360) LTD 1180.29 TP 1127.60 (526) TF H4 - probable UTD 1187.41 TP 1197.80 (1040) LTD 1183.69 TP 1133.29 (5040) TF D1 - broken both sides UTD 1205.70 TP 1218.94 (1324) LTD 1207.97 TP 116.24 (3973) TF W1 - broken uptrend UTD 1185.91 TP 1289.88 (10397) LTD 1188.35 TP 1140.20 (4815) Analysis - W1 indicates uptrend long term until 1289.88 possibly. But i`m unsure when the expiry date of this timeframe. As the indication have hinted possibly the price would go below 1188 (W1) thus breakout downtrend. - D1 indicates sideway thus supporting the W1 possibilty movement of changes. - For both H1/H4, chances are going uptrend until 1197....

Analysis EU @ 29/5 8.50am

Price presently at 1.0952 TF H1 broken uptrend UTD 1.0950 TP 1.1099 LTD 1.0881 TP 1.0791 Setup Buy Stop 1.0960 TP 1.0975 Sell Stop 1.0875 TP 1.0825 TF H4 broken uptrend UTD 1.0875 TP 1.0953 (78) LTD 1.0814 TP 1.0156 (658) TF D1 broken downtrend UTD 1.0938 TP 1.1151 (213) LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 (283) TF W1 broken uptrend UTD 1.0936 TP 1.1741 (805) LTD 1.0583 TP 0.9684 (899) Long term remain uptrend with the present price has broken 1.0936 / 1.0938 / 1.0950. However will refer back within the next few minutes on both H1 and H4.

Last Night Result

Profit - 4.97 Floating (121.17) Equity - 84.63 The day before equity - 83.35 Profit / Loss - 1.28

Setup - GOLD

Price at 1186.68 TF H1 - broken downtrend UTD 1191.34 TP 1201.49 LTD 1186.69 TP 1181.98 TF H4 - broken uptrend UTD 1186.34 TP 1189.35 LTD 1183.57 TP 1133.17 TF D1 - both broken ....

Setup - EU/US @ 8.33PM

Price presently at 1.0903 TF H1 broken downtrend UTD 1.0940 TP 1.1080 (140) LTD 1.0911 TP 1.0869 (41) Setup Buy Limit 1.0870 TP 1.0920 TF H4 broken uptrend UTD 1.0875 TP 1.0953 (78) LTD 1.0813 TP 1.0156 (658) TF D1 broken downtrend UTD 1.0981 TP 1.1194 (213) LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 (283) TF W1 broken uptrend UTD 1.0936 TP 1.1741 (805) LTD 1.0583 TP 0.9684 (899) Still playing hide and seek - no concrete directions yet.

Update @ 8.30pm - 28/5/15

Profit - 1.53 Floating - (118.00) Equity - 85.50

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Update - GOLD

Price presently at 1186.97 TF H1 - both side broken UTD 1187 TP 1192.54 (555) LTD 1187.71 TP 1183.67 (404 TF H4 - both side broken UTD 1186.34 TP 1189.35 (301) LTD 1185.67 TP 1136.14 (4954) TF D1 - both side broken UTD 1205.70 TP 1218.94 (1324) LTD 1207.97 TP 1168.24 (3973) TF W1 - broken uptrend UTD 1185.91 TP 1289.88 (10397) LTD 1188.35 TP 1140.20 (4815) Trend longterm already break for uptrend until 1289.88, however if the price continues below 1180 within next week - chances going down 1140?

Update - EU

Price presently at 1.0906 TF H1 - probable UTD 1.0899 TP 1.0945 (47) LTD 1.0812 TP 1.0161 (651) TF H4 -broken at both ends UTD 1.0875 TP 1.0953 (78) LTD 1.0856 TP 1.0253 (603) TF D1 - broken downtrend UTD 1.0981 TP 1.1194 LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 chances are momentum going forward to 1.0981 by this 2 days period.

Thursday - 28/5

Last night profit - USD5.51 Floating - USD117.48 Equity balance - USD83.35 Top 3 Floating Post 1. GOLD 34.47 Buy stop 1222 - 1225 2. GOLD 24.47 Buy stop 1212 - 1217 3. EU 10.68 Buy stop 1.1430 - 1.1490 Total - USD69.62 If closing, Balance - USD131.21 Floating - USD47.86

Set up - GOLD

Price at 1184.98 TF H1 UTD 1189.36 TP 1194.93 (560) LTD 1188.94 TP 1187.05 (189) broken downtrend TF H4 UTD 1203.36 TP 1222.71 (1935) LTD 1185.67 TP 1136.14 (4954) Set up Buy Stop 1204 tp 1209 TF D1 UTD 1205.70 TP 1218.94 (1324) broken LTD 1207.97 TP 116.27 (3973) broken

Setup - EU/US

Price presently at 1.0875 TF H1 UTD 1.0918 TP 1.0989 (71) LTD 1.0859 TP 1.0796 (62) Setup Buy Stop 1.0920 TP 1.0970 Sell Stop 1.0850 TP 1.0800 TF H4 UTD 1.1028 TP 1.1235 (208) LTD 1.0856 TP 1.0253 (603) TF D1 broken at 1.1214 UTD 1.1025 TP 1.1237 (212) LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 (283) Note : Based on D1 trend, the DOWNTREND should be cleared but to wait until H4 clearance based on H1 lowest of 1.0796

Wednesday Update @ 7.27pm

Last night closing PROFIT - 6.89 FLOATING - (110.06) EQUITY - 85.26 P/s: still holding with the hope both EU/US and GOLD will uptrend within this week. otherwise i have to pump additional deposit to sustain.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Update - GOLD

Price at 1195.28 TF H1 - broken at 1204.59 DT UTD 1206.07 TP 1219.61(1354) LTD 1204.59 TP 1199.59(499) TF H4 - broken at 1203.76 DT UTD 1206.68 TP 1220.46 (1377) LTD 1203.76 TP 1198.62 (514) TF D1 - probable UTD 1231.55 TP 1323.70 (9215) LTD 1179 TP 1125.90 (5310) Setup Potentially Buy Stop at 1206 tp 1211 but with the current MM and Equity, i have to let it go. May set-u when the time is right.

Update -EU/US

Price presently at 1.0913 TF H1 (probable) UTD 1.0964 TP 1.1053 (90) LTD 1.0877 TP 1.0288 (589) Setup Buy Stop 1.0965 tp 1.0980 size 0.02 15 pips = 0.30 H4 (broken at 1.0955)DT UTD 1.1081 TP 1.1295 (213) LTD 1.0955 TP 1.0419 (536) D1 (broken at 1.1214) DT UTD 1.1451 TP 1.2496 (1045) LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 (283)

Update @ 7.12pm

Total profit after loss deduction from GU/US is 3.08 Floating at this time is at -87.44 due to the downtrend movement for both EU/US and GOLD

Monday, May 25, 2015

GOLD analysis

Price at 1205.83 M1 Broken 1206.27 tp 1205.49 (DOWN) M5 Broken 1206.09 tp 1205.81 (DOWN) M15 Probable M30 Probable H1 Probable H4 Broken 1206.43 tp 1218.22 (UP) Broken 1203.76 tp 1198.62 (DOWN) D1 Probable W1 Broken 1185.91 tp 1289 (UP) MN Probable Original Trading Plan H1 UTD 1207.96 TP 1220.56 (1260) LTD 1203.41 TP 1197.64 (577) Setup Buy Stop 1208 tp 1211 (risky...?) H4 UTD 1206.43 TP 1218.22 (1178) LTD 1203.76 TP 1198.62 (514)

EU analysis

EU - price at 1.0951 M1 Broken at 1.0958 tp 1.0957 (DOWN) M5 Broken at 1.0953 tp 0.946 (DOWN) M15 Broken at 1.0969 tp 1.0963 (DOWN) M30 Broken at 1.0968 tp 1.0954 (DOWN) H1 Broken at 1.0971 tp 1.0993 (UP) Broken at 1.0968 tp 1.0953 (DOWN) H4 Probable only D1 Broken at 1.1214 tp 1.0931 (DOWN) W1 Broken at 1.0936 tp 1.1741 (UP) MN Broken at 1.3786 tp 1.3579 (not relevant) SETUP Sell Limit 1.0955 tp 1.0950 = 0.02 size with 5 pips targeted profit of 0.10 Sell Limit 1.0965 tp 1.0960 = 0.02 size with 5 pips targeted profit of 0.10 Buy Stop 1.0975 tp 1.0990 = 0.02 size with 5 pips targeted profit of 0.30 ORIGINAL PLAM H4 UTD 1.1099 TP 1.1267 (167) LTD 1.0955 TP 1.0419 (536) Setup Buy stop 1.1035 TP 1.1085 1.1095 TP 1.1145 1.1155 TP 1.1205 1.1215 TP 1.1265 Sell stop 1.0890 tp 1.0840 1.0830 tp 1.0780 1.0770 tp 1.0720 1.0710 tp 1.0660 1.0650 tp 1.0600 1.0590 tp 1.0540 1.0530 tp 1.0480

Tuesday @ 8.35am

Cut lost for both AU and UJ as no longer focusing on this pair. GU will be cut by tomorrow, as this 2 days profit ratio are not very encouraging. Yesterday's profit at 3.72 with floating remains (65.59), with Gold buy from 1222 (18.46) and EU buy from 1.1430 (9.20) and Gold buy from 1212 (8.46).

Original Trading Plan Setup

EU/US Price at 1.0972 TF H1 UTD 1.0999 TP 1.1047 (48) LTD 1.0953 TP 1.0418 (535) Setup Buy stop 1.1000 tp 1.1040 Sell stop 1.0950 tp 1.0900

Setup Gold @ 7.38pm

GOLD - price at 1203.35 TF M1 Broken (downtrend) UTD 1203.89 TP 1205.11 LTD 1203.67 TP 1203.36 TF M5 Broken (downtrend) UTD 1203.95 TP 1205.10 LTD 1203.13 TP 1202.09 TF M15 Broken (probable) UTD 1203.89 TP 1205 LTD 1203.62 TP 1202.08 TF M30 Broken (Uptrend) UTD 1203.88 TP 1206.11 LTD 1202.92 TP 1200.20 TF H1 Broken (probable) UTD 1205.25 TP 1208.60 LTD 1203.49 TP 1201.16 TF H4 Broken (probable) UTD 1208.62 TP 1220.40 LTD 1202.55 TP 1166.00 TF D1 Broken (probable) UTD 1231.60 TP 1323.75 LTD 1178.97 TP 1125.87 TF W1 Broken (Uptrend) UTD 1185.91 TP 1289.88 LTD 1188.35 TP 1140.20 Short term trend probably downtrend, but unclear from H1 / H4 / D1 Long term trend remain uptrend with probable setup buy limit 1190 tp 1280

Setup - EU @ 7.29pm

EU/US - price at 1.0972 TF M1 Broken (probable) UTD 1.0971 TP 1.0982 LTD 1.0965 TP 1.0951 TF M5 Broken (probable) UTD 1.0975 TP 1.0992 LTD 1.0966 TP 1.0952 TF M15 Broken (both ends) UTD 1.0967 TP 1.0999 LTD 1.0968 TP 1.0945 TF M30 Broken (UPtrend) UTD 1.0967 TP 1.0999 SETUP Buy stop 1.0980 tp 1.0995 size 0.02 target profit - 0.30 TF H1 Broken (Downtrend) UTD 1.0999 TP 1.1047 LTD 1.0975 TP 1.0934 SETUP 1.0965 TP 1.0940 size 0.02 target profit - 0.50 TF H4 Broken (Downtrend) UTD 1.1135 TP 1.1318 LTD 1.0996 TP 1.0519 SETUP remain as per H1 TF D1 Broken (Downtrend) UTD 1.1452 TP 1.2496 LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 SETUP remain as per H1 TF W1 Broken (Uptrend) UTD 1.0936 TP 1.1741 LTD 1.0583 TP 0.9684 Analysis prediction Short term remain Downtrend but sideways often until either point was break (1.1047 / 1.0934) Long term trend Uptrend from 1.0940 to 1.1740 at least SETUP long term buy at 1.0985 TP 1.1440

Update @ 7.14pm

Profit thus far AU/US Sell 0.7850 0.7820 (SL) - 0.60 EU/US Sell 1.1085 1.0985 (sl) - 1.00 EU/US Buy 1.0970 1.0975 (tp) - 0.10 EU/US Sell 1.0985 1.0980 (tp) - 0.10 Total profit - 1.78 Floating - (64.89)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Setup - Monday 25/5 9.28am

EU/US -price at 1.0982 Analysis Short term trend - Sell 1.0995 Tp 1.0525 Long term trend - Buy 1.0940 tp 1.1740 GOLD - price at 1204.05 Analysis Short term trend - Sell 1204 TP 1198 Long term trend - Buy 1211 TP 1320

Update @ 25/5 8.47am

Last week profit at 7.67 but floating amounted as at -56.22, weekly profit at 37.12, differences of -19.00. Need to reduce the floating thus will no longer trade au/uj/gu. Focused only on EU/US and GOLD.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

AU/US @ 10.31am

Price presently at 0.7909 TF H1 UTD 0.7889 TP 0.7927 (38) LTD 0.7893 TP 0.7889 (4) TF H4 UTD 0.7908 TP 0.7957 (49) LTD 0.7869 TP 0.7541 (328) TF D1 UTD 0.8151 TP 0.8825 (674) LTD 0.7910 TP 0.7695 (215) Sell stop 1. 0.7790 tp 0.7740

US/JY @ 10.25

Price presently at 120.99 TF H1 UTD 121.25 TP 121.70 (45) LTD 121.05 TP 120.69 (36) TF H4 UTD 121.55 TP 124.78 (323) LTD 121.01 TP 120.29 (72) TF D1 UTD 120.18 TP 121.45 (132) LTD 119.19 TP 116.76 (243)

GU @ 10.14am

Price presently at 1.5678 TF H1 UTD 1.5670 TP 1.5719 (48) LTD 1.5677 TP 1.5577 (100) Sell stop 1. 1.5670 tp 1.5620 2. 1.5610 tp 1.5580 TF H4 UTD 1.5684 TP 1.5986 LTD 1.5570 TP 1.5404 Buy stop 1. 1.5690 tp 1.5740 2. 1.5750 tp 1.5800 3. 1.5810 tp 1.5860 4. 1.5870 tp 1.5920 5. 1.5930 tp 1.5980 TF D1 UTD 1.5815 TP 1.7063 (1248) LTD 1.5381 TP 1.4811 (570)

GOLD @ 10.00

Price presently at 1206.12 TF H1 UTD 1205.45 TP 1213.47 LTD 1206.05 TP 1199.57 TF H4 UTD 1211.09 TP 1221.55 LTD 1205.94 TP 1172.44 TF D1 UTD 1231.70 TP 1323.85 (9215) LTD 1178.92 TP 1125.82 (5310) No probable setup

EU - 9.45am

Price presently at 1.1119 TF H1 UTD 1.1094 TP 1.1122 (22) LTD 1.1099 TP 1.1003 (95) TF H4 UTD 1.1123 TP 1.1328 (205) LTD 1.1087 TP 1.0989 (98) Setup BUy Stop 1.1.1130 tp 1.1140 2.1.1310 tp 1.1320 TF D1 UTD 1.1453 TP 1.2498 (1045) LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 (283)

Updaye @ 9.41am on 22/5

Yesterday's profit - 3.19. Floating - (45.37) Sell stop GOLD 1206 TP 1204 - 2.00 Buy stop EU 1.1130 TP 1.1140 - 0.20 Buy stop GU 1.5590 TP 1.5640 - 1.00 Floating 1. GOLD Buy stop 1222 tp 1225 - (16.25)

Update @ 10.32pm

EU/US SETUP - based on TF H1 BUY STOP 1. 1.1200 TP 1.1250 2. 1.1260 TP 1.1300 Floating - (-44.67) contributors - Gold : 16.10

Update AU@5.55pm

Price presently at 0.7895 TF H1 UTD 0.7910 TP 0.7960 (49) LTD 0.7868 TP 0.7824 (45) TF H4 UTD 0.7893 TP 0.7945 (52) LTD 0.7865 TP 0.7537 (328) TF D1 UTD 0.8152 TP 0.8826 (674) LTD 0.7910 TP 0.7695 (215)

Update USJY @ 5.50pm

Price presently @ 121.05 TF H1 UTD - 121.05 TP 121.21 (21) LTD - 121.21 TP 120.81 (39) TF H4 UTD - 121.55 TP 124.78 (323) LTD - 121.27 TP 120.64 (63) Setup Buy stop 122.10 tp 122.60 TF D1 UTD 120.13 TP 121.45 (132) LTD 119.16 TP 116.73 (243)

Update GU @ 5.45pm

Price presently at 1.5663 TF H1 UTD - 1.5559 TP 1.5592 (33) LTD - 1.5542 TP 1.5484 (57) Setup Sell stop 1.5540 tp 1.5510 TF H4 UTD - 1.5548 TP 1.5748 (200) LTD - 1.5519 TP 1.5369 (150) TF D1 UTD - 1.5815 TP 1.7063 (1248) LTD - 1.5362 TP 1.4792 (570)

Update Gold @ 5.40pm

Price presently at 1209.45 TF H1 UTD 1212 TP 1216.96 (496) LTD 1209.40 TP 1205.10 (422) No good entry TF H4 UTD 1209.23 TP 1223.09 (1386) LTD 1205.57 TP 1172.07 (3350) Setup using TF H1 Buy stop 1217 tp 1220 TF D1 UTD 1225.96 TP 1316.32 (9036) LTD 1178.89 TP 1125.79 (530)

Update - EU - 5.34pm

Price presently at 1.1149 TF H1 UTD 1.1119 TP 1.1167 (48) LTD 1.1116 TP 1.1059 (58) No setup TF H4 UTD 1.1456 TP 1.2479 (1023) LTD 1.1074 TP 1.0983 (90) No further setup TF D1 UTD 1.1454 TP 1.2499 (1045) LTD 1.1214 TP 1.0931 (283) Setup BUY STOP @0.01 1.1460 TP 1.2460 (LONG TERM 1 MONTH)

Update @ 5.32pm

PROFIT Date open - 20/5 EU/US 1.1130 TP 1.1140 - 20/5 GU/US 1.5590 TP 1.5640

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Update @ 8.49am - US/JY

Price presently at 121.15 TF H1 UTD 121.55 TP 124.77 (322) LTD 121.17 TP 120.61 (56) Setup Sell stop 121.10 tp 120.70 TF H4 UTD 119.88 TP 121.06 (118) LTD 120.54 TP 119.41 (113) Setup Sell stop 120.50 tp 120.00 ----

Update @ 8.46am - AU/US

Price presently at 0.7890 TF H1 UTD 0.7906 TP 0.7958 (52) LTD 0.7863 TP 0.7535 (328) TF H4 UTD 0.7873 TP 0.7885 (12) LTD 0.7906 TP 0.7637 (269) ---

Update @ 8.43am - GU

Price presently at 1.5558 TF H1 UTD - 1.5545 TP 1.5619 (74) LTD - 1.5505 TP 1.5403 (102) TF H4 UTD 1.5532 TP 1.5728 (196) LTD 1.5506 TP 1.5406 (101) ----

Update @ 8.41am -GOLD

Price presently at 1208.87 TF H1 UTD 1211.37 TP 1225.39 (1402) LTD 1208.33 TP 1202.06 (627) Setup Buy stop 1212 tp 1215 TF H4 UTD 1231.85 TP 1322.77 (9042) LTD 1204.81 TP 1171.31 (3350) ---

Update @ THursday 8.35am -EU/US

EU/US Price presently at 1.1104 TF H1 UTD - 1.1129 TP 1.1199 (70) LTD - 1.1067 TP 1.0989 (78) SETUP Sell top 1.1060 tp 1.0990 TF H4 UTD - 1.1457 TP 1.2479 (1023) LTD - 1.1061 TP 1.0640 (421)

Last Night Result

Total profit for last night @ 4.22 / floating (35.45) - main contributor float - gold (12.73)

Update @ 7.22pm

Profit EU/US 1.1130 TP 1.1140 GU 1.5515 TP 1.5540 EU/US 1.1110 TP 1.1060 --------------------------------------------- EU/US Price presently at 1.1093 TF H1 UTD 1.1126 TP 1.1207 (81) LTD 1.1056 TP 1.0640 (416) SETUP Buy stop 1) 1.1130 tp 1.1180 2) 1.1190 tp 1.1205 Sell stop 1)1.1050 tp 1.1000 2) 1.0990 tp 1.0940 TF H4 UTD - 1.1457 TP 1.2479 (1023) LTD - 1.1115 TP 1.0757 (357) --- GOLD Price presently at 1208.77 UTD - 1208.82 TP 1214.86 (604) LTD - 1203.45 TP 1169.69 (3376) SETUP Buy stop 1211 tp 1214 TF H4 UTD - 1231.86 TP 1322.28 (9043) LTD - 1207.58 TP 1176.98 (3059) ---- GU/US Price presently at 1.5518 TF H1 UTD - 1.5521 TP 1.5569 (48) LTD - 1.5482 TP 1.5403 (79) SETUP Buy stop 1.5530 tp 1.5560 Sell stop 1.5440 tp 1.5410 TF H4 Buy stop 1.5583 tp 1.5778 (196) Sell stop 1.5457 tp 1.5063 (394) SETUP Buy stop 1.5590 tp 1.5640 --- US/JY Price presently at 121.04 TF H1 UTD - 121.17 TP 124.02 (285) LTD - 121.09 TP 120.91 (18) SETUP Buy stop 121.50 tp 122.00 TF H4 UTD - 119.88 TP 121.06 (118) LTD - 120.31 TP 119.39 (92) --- AU/US Price presently at 0.7892 TF H1 UTD - 0.7907 TP 0.7948 (41) LTD - 0.7881 TP 0.7598 (283) SETUP Buy stop 0.7910 tp 0.7940 Sell stop 0.7880 tp 0.7830 / 0.7820 tp 0.7770 TF H4 UTD - 0.7955 TP 0.8036 (81) LTD - 0.7906 TP 0.7637 (269) SETUP Buy stop 0.7960 tp 0.8010

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Last Night Results / Update @9.06am 20/5/15

Profit @ 15.15 while floating @ - 29.54 ... GOLD floating as much at 14.71 due to the buy post was dragged down to 1207.00 EU/US Price presently at 1.1116 TF H1 UTD 1.1132 TP 1.1197 (65PIPS) LTD 1.1113 TP 1.0756 (357PIPS) Setup Buy Stop 1.1130 tp 1.1140 Sell Stop 1.1110 tp 1.1060 / 1.1050 tp 1.1000 TF H4 UTD 1.1457 TP 1.2480 (1023) LTD 1.1381 TP 1.1248 (133) --- GOLD Price presently at 1207.68 TF H1 UTD 1205.86 TP 1215.05 (919PIPS) LTD 1206.64 TP 1175.61 (3103PIPS) Setup Sell stop 1st. 1206 tp 1203 2. 1202 tp 1199 3. 1198 tp 1195 TF H4 UTD 1231.87 TP 1322.29 (9047) LTD 1223.22 TP 1212.86 (1036) --- GU Price presently at 1.5499 UTD 1.5496 TP 1.5601 (104) LTD 1.5503 TP 1.5427 (76) Setup Buy stop 1.5515 tp 1.5565 TF H4 UTD 1.5608 TP 1.5804 (196) LTD 1.5727 TP 1.5575 (152) Setup Buy stop 1.5610 tp 1.5660 --- US/JY Price presently at 120.94 TF H1 UTD 120.81 TP 123.09 (228) LTD 120.11 TP 119.21 (89) Setup Buy Limit 120.90 tp 121.40 Sell stop 120.10 tp 119.60 TF H4 UTD 119.88 TP 121.06 (118) LTD 120.19 TP 119.38 (81) --- AU/US Price presently at 0.7907 TF H1 UTD 0.7917 TP 0.7973 (56) LTD 0.7909 TP 0.7895 (14) TF H4 UTD 0.7970 TP 0.8044 (74) LTD 0.7956 TP 0.7744 (212) Setup Buy Stop 0.7970 tp 0.8020

Additional pair

I decided to add one more pair - Au/Us Price at 0.7968 TF H1 . UTD - 0.8006 TP 0.8061 (54PIPS) LTD - 0.7956 TP 0.7744 (212PIPS) setup sell stop 0.7950 tp 0.7900 TF H4 UTD - 0.8157 TP 0.8810 (653PIPS) LTD - 0.8009 TP 0.7816 (193PIPS) setup buy stop at 0.8160 tp 0.8210

Update @ 6.07pm

EU/US price at 1.1189 TF H1 UTD 1.1308 TP 1.1467 (159pips) LTD 1.1282 TP 1.1070 (211PIPS) no new open post as the present floating is in progress hope to close 1.1170 tp 1.1120 1.1170 tp 1.1080 1.1150 tp 1.1145 1.1130 tp 1.1125 1.1110 tp 1.1105 1.1100 tp 1.1095 1.1090 tp 1.1085 TF H4 UTD 1.1457 TP 1.2480 (1023PIPS) LTD 1.1381 TP 1.1248 (133PIPS) --- GU price at 1.5533 UTD 1.5622 TP 1.5803 (141PIPS) LTD 1.5638 TP 1.5415 (223PIPS) no suitable entry TF H4 UTD 1.5800 TP 1.6078 (279pips) LTD 1.5727 TP 1.5575 (152PIPS) possible entry at D1 1.5320 TP 1.5270 --- GOLD price at 1219.54 UTD 1221.09 TP 1226.59 (550PIPS) LTD 1221.47 TP 1204.85 (1662PIPS) setup Buy Stop 1222 tp 1225 TF H4 UTD 1231.88 TP 1322.30 (9042PIPS) LTD 1212.86 TP 1212.86 (1036PIPS) setup buy 1232 tp 1235 --- US/JY price at 120.15 UTD 120.10 TP 121.33 (122PIPS) LTD 120.00 TP 119.71 (29PIPS) setup sell stop 120.00 tp 119.80 TF H4 UTD 119.88 TP 121.06 (118PIPS) LTD 119.71 TP 119.25 (46PIPS) setup sell stop 119.70 tp 119.30 p/s: will check and update @ 9-10pm tonite.

Update @ 6.07pm

EU/US - closed 1.1295 tp 1.1245 / 1.1210 tp 1.1180 GU - closed 1.5650 tp 1.5630 / 1.5620 tp 1.5570 Gold - closed 1223 tp 1220.50

Monday, May 18, 2015

My Millionaire In Progress - Phase 1

Equity begins as only at usd100. Presently focusing on 4 major pair - EU/US / US/JY / GOLD / GU Lot use 0.02 EU/US - target a total of 100 pips (buy and sell) - usd2.00 GU - target a total of 50/100 pips (buy and sell) - usd1.00 /usd2.00 AU/JY - target a total of 50/100 pips (buy and sell) - usd1.00 /usd2.00 GOLD(0.01) - target a total of 600 pips (buy and sell) - usd6.00 Total pips (Maximum) - 900 pips Total profit (Maximum) - usd12.00 First week - 12.00 per day, per week is 60.00 Equity would be at 160.00 Second week - 12.00 per day, per week is 60.00 Equity would be at 220.00 Third week Lot use would be 0.03 EU/US - 3.00 GU - 3.00 AU/JY - 3.00 GOLD (0.02) - 12.00 Total (Max) - 21.00 Third week - 21.00 per day, per week is 105.00 Equity would be at 325.00 Fourth week Lot Use would be 0.04 EU/US - 4.00 GU - 4.00 AU/JY - 4.00 GOLD (0.03) - 18.00 Total (Max) - 30.00 Fourth week - 30.00 per day, per week is 150.00 Equity would be 475.00 Fifth Week Lot use would be 0.05 EU/US - 5.00 GU - 5.00 AU/JY - 5.00 GOLD (0.04) - 24.00 Total (Max) - 39.00 per day, per week is 195.00 Equity would be 670.00 Sixth week Lot use would be 0.06 EU/US - 6.00 GU - 6.00 AU/JY - 6.00 GOLD (0.05) - 30.00 Total (Max) - 48.00 per day, per week is 240.00 Equity would be 910.00 Seventh week Lot use would be 0.07 EU/US - 7.00 GU - 7.00 AU/JY - 7.00 GOLD (0.06) - 36.00 Total (Max) - 57.00 per day, per week is 285.00 Equity would be 1195.00 Based on the above calculations (100% max), i could achieve the Phase 2 by the 7th week If that is correct, it would be around 19th July 2015. Insha allah.

Updates @ 9.08am

GOLD revised sell stop from 1221 to 1223 tp 1220

Tuesday 19/5 @ 8.43am

Yesterday result Profit - 6.69 = 23.97 ( less 0.31 = 1.11) Floating = - 27.82 = 99.68. EU/US Price presently at 1.1311 TF H1 UTD 1.1336 TP 1.1409 (73PIPS) LTD 1.1297 TP 1.1100 (197PIPS) revised pending sell stop from 1.1290 to 1.1295 tp 1.1245 TF H4 UTD 1.1457 TP 1.2480 (1023) LTD 1.1381 TP 1.1248 (133) --- GOLD Price presently at 1223.97 TF H1 UTD 1225.39 TP 1232.40 (701) LTD 1224.91 TP 1219.32 (560) Set up pending buy stop 1226 tp 1229 Unable to revised the sell stop due to price has gone lower than the proposed opening set up TF H4 UTD 1231.89 TP 1322.31(9042) LTD 1227.58 TP 1218.98 (858) Set up pending buy stop 1232 tp 1235 The sell stop at 1221 tp 1218 remain until further notice. --- US/JY TF H1 UTD 120.10 TP 121.33 (122) LTD 120.04 TP 119.87 (18) Set up buy stop at 120.15 tp 120.65 TF H4 UTD 119.88 TP 121.06 (118) LTD 119.64 TP 119.09 (55) Revised sell stop 119.80 to 119.60 tp 119.10 --- GU Price presently at 1.5655 TF H1 UTD 1.5673 TP 1.5722 (49) LTD 1.5640 TP 1.5461 (179) Set up sell stop 1.5620 tp 1.5570 TF H4 UTD 1.5801 TP 1.5965 (163) LTD 1.5727 TP 1.5575 (152) Set up buy stop at 1.5805 tp 1.5855

Additional pair - GU

GU Present price at 1.5685 TF H1 UTD 1.5622 TP 1.5714 (52PIPS) LTD 1.5656 TP 1.5481 (174PIPS) pending Sell stop 1.5650 tp 1.5630 TF H4 UTD 1.5804 TP 1.5955 (151PIPS) LTD 1.5727 TP 1.5575 (152PIPS)

Pair ?

Kalau ikut pasaran mengikut time di malaysia, Australia (au/us) open - 6am Tokyo (us/jy) open - 7am London (gu) open - 3pm Australia (au/us) closed - 3pm Tokyo (us/jy) closed - 4pm New York (eu/us) open - 8pm New York (eu/us) closed - 5am Time being pair trade - EU/US, US/JY, GOLD In future, may consider GU, GJ, AU/US Depends on the progress of the Demarker.

Update @9.46pm

TP HIT EU 1.1420 TP 1.1370 - 1.00 GOLD 1228 TP 1225 - 3.00 EU/US Price at 1.1344 TF H1 UTD - 1.1429 TP 1.1522 (93PIPS) LTD - 1.1369 TP 1.1240 (130PIPS) all post remain TF H4 UTD - 1.1458 TP 1.2480 (1023PIPS) LTD - 1.1381 TP 1.1248 (133PIPS) all post remain, except the deletion of sell limit 1.1455 tp 1.1405. ---- GOLD Price at 1222.93 TF H1 UTD - 1229.23 TP 1236.23 (701PIPS) LTD - 1229.37 TP 1223.21 (616PIPS) Buy stop 1230 tp 1233 TF H4 UTD - 1225.19 TP 1240.55 (1535PIPS) LTD - 1221.96 TP 1209.19 (1277PIPS) pending sell stop revised from 1220 to 1221 tp 1218 --- USJY Price at 119.93 TF H1 UTD - 1119.79 TP 120.52 (72PIPS) LTD - 119.77 TP 119.57 (20PIPS) all post remain with buy stop triggered. TF H4 UTD - 119.88 TP 121.06 (118PIPS) LTD - 119.52 TP 118.78 (74PIPS) pending sell stop revised from 119.40 to 119.50 tp 119.00

Update @ 6.03pm

EU/US Price presently at 1.1394 H1 UTD - 1.1433 TP 1.1510 (77PIPS) LTD - 1.1425 TP 1.1323 (101PIPS) H4 UTD - 1.1458 TP 1.2480 (1023PIPS) LTD - 1.1372 TP 1.1239 (133PIPS) No further changes on open setup --- GOLD price presently at 1229.71 H1 UTD - 1231.91 TP 1322.32 (9042PIPS) LTD - 1228.53 TP 1221.90 (663PIPS) Open buy at 1232 tp 1235 Sell revised to 1228 tp 1225 H4 UTD - 1225.05 TP 1240.55 (1535PIPS) LTD - 1220.55 TP 1207.78 (1277PIPS) ---- US/JY Same as per previous arrangements.

Update @ 5.51pm

EU/US The sell stop 1.1420 tp 1.1370 done. Pips earned 50 pips @ 1.00 TF H1 @ 5.52PM price at 1.1389, based on the the Demark trend it may go down 1.1323. UTD - 1.1458 TP 1.2465 (1007PIPS) LTD - 1.1425 TP 1.1323 (101PIPS) TF H4 UTD - 1.1458 TP 1.2480 (1023 PIPS) LTD - 1.1372 TP 1.1239 (133 PIPS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOLD Price presently at 1229.57 H1 UTD - 1225.37 TP 1240.71 (1534PIPS) LTD - 1227.72 TP 1221.09 (663PIPS) will revise the present pending sell stop from 1219 to 1227 tp 1224 H4 UTD - 1225.19 TP 1240.55 (1535PIPS) LTD - 1220.55 TP 1207.78 (1277PIPS) will add on another sell stop pending order from 1220 tp 1217 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US/JY Price presently at 119.75 H1 UTD - 119.74 TP 120.46 (71PIPS) LTD - 119.37 TP 118.90 (47PIPS) price pending order buy stop revised from 120 to 119.80 tp 120.30 H4 UTD - 119.89 TP 121.08 (118PIPS) LTD - 119.49 TP 118.75 (74PIPS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Profit forex signal

EU/US - sell limit 1.1455 tp 1.425 at 0.02 lot.

Update @ 2.02pm

GOLD buy at 1226 tp 1228.50 has hit tp but started gap at 1226.86 instead thus reducing the targeted profit of 2.50. EU/US add up sell limit based on TF H1 at 1.1420 tp 1.1370. The rest of the pending order remain the same. p/s: Gold rose up above 1229, thus the need to change the targeted tp from 250 to 300 pips. Thus revised sell stop gold from 1219 tp 1216.00

Nial Fuller's this week review

EURUSD – Euro/dollar at key resistance zone The EURUSD has moved up into the key resistance zone between 1.1450 – 1.1500. If we get a price action sell signal here this week, we will look to sell in anticipation of a move lower. So, it all depends on what happens within this resistance zone this week. If we don’t get any obvious sell signal there we will stay on the sidelines. A move up above 1.1500 would make this pair look more bullish and solidify this recent upward move. XAUUSD – Spot Gold pushing higher The spot Gold market surged higher last week after bouncing up aggressively from key support down near 1175.00 area. We could see this upward movement continue this week and we will look to buy pullbacks to support whilst price is above that 1175.00 key level. Traders can watch support down near the 8 / 21 day EMA layer for buying opportunities this week.

Update - additional 1more pair - UJ

Using TF H4 trend and expiry 24 hours from the pending order Present price 119.81 Pending BUy - 120 tp 120.50 Sell - 119.40 tp 118.90

Monday 18/5 @ 8.43am

Update for the last Friday closing, both my open buy and sell GOLD hit tp. Alhamdulilah NOw for the update for today. EU/US TF H1 - price presently at 1.1427 UTD - 1.1458 tp 1.2465 (1007pips) LTD - 1.1347 tp 1.1219 (128 PIPS) both present open buy and sell still floating, remain as it is. TF H4 UTD - 1.1436 tp 1.2421 (985PIPS) LTD - 1.1353 tp 1.1221 (133pips) No further new pending buy or sell will be open until the present one is closed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD TF H1 - price presently 1222.12 UTD - 1225.56 tp 1240.89 (1534pips) LTD - 1215.36 tp 1191.88 (2348PIPS) Set up BUY - 1226 tp 1228.50 SELL - 1215 tp 1212.50 TF H4 UTD - 1226.53 tp 1315.20 (8860pips) LTD - 1217.72 tp 1194.62 (2310PIPS) Setup SELL - revised from 1215 to 1217 tp 1215.50

Friday, May 15, 2015


GOLD as price moving lower to 1216.14, i decided to enter the buy post at 1218.75 tp 1220 (125pips).

Update @ 5.12pm

Update EU/US TF H1 - present price 1.1354 UTD -1.1403 TP 1.1495 (92pips) LTD -1.1405 TP 1.1385 (20pips) No new open post, as present hold position still on-going. TF H4 UTD-1.1436 TP 1.2421 (985pips) LTD-1.1417 TP 1.1296 (120pips) No new open post, as present hold position still on-going. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD TF H1 - present price 1218.61 UTD - 1218.74 TP 1220.86 (212pips) LTD - 1219.06 TP 1207.92 (1113pips) not suitable for new open post. TF H4 UTD - 1226.61 TP 1315.29 (8868pips) LTD - 1215.46 TP 1202.01 (1345pips) amended earlier pending order for both buy and sell according to the present new changes SETUP Buy - 1226.65 tp 1231.00 Sell- 1215.00 tp 1210.00

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday 15/5/2015 @ 8.50am

GOLD update = yesterday evening. HIT TP 1220 - 1225.00 (manage to get USD5). ----- EU/US - Present price 1.1390 TF H1 UTD - 1.1395 TP 1.1481 (86PIPS) LTD - 1.1338 TP 1.1237 (101PIPS) Yesterday pending post and open post still on-going, will let it remain. The long term post of buy set up at 1.1380 revised TP to 1.2380 (1000 PIPS) at 0.01 = 10.00 target TF H4 UTD - 1.1436 TP 1.2421 (985PIPS) LTD - 1.1260 TP 1.1059 (202PIPS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD - Present price 1219.94 TF H1 UTD - 1222.26 tp 1224.79 (253 pips) LTD - 1221.06 tp 1210.52 (1054 pips) Yesterday, GOLD setup of 1220 - 1225 hit TP (serve a reminder for me that only to target 500 pips differences only)as the present price drop. Setup Buy Stop - 1223 tp 1224 (100 pips) due to small range Unable to set sell stop as overlapped the price of 1221.06 TF - H4 UTD - 1218.22 TP 1268.22 (5000pips) LTD - 1215.46 TP 1202.01 (1345pips) Unable to setup Buy stop due to overlapped the price of 1221.06 Setup Sell Stop - 1215 tp 1210

Update @ 4.44pm

Gold TF4H UTD 1218.25 tp 1268.26 (5000pips) LTD 1207.49 tp 1188.29 (1920pips) present price at 1213.44 Buy Stop @ 1220 tp 1225 Sell Stop @ 1205 tp 1200

Time Frame Day 1

EU/US i going to try to get a long term trade using D1 trend. at 3.52pm UTD 1.1379 tp 1.2348 (970pips) LTD 1.1193 TP 1.0935 (258pips) i`m going to open both post at 0.01 Buy Limit 1.1380 tp 1.1880 Sell Stop 1.1190 tp 1.0990

Update @ 3.17pm

EU/US pending Buy 1. 1.1380 tp 1.1430 triggered.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Update -14/5/15 - 2.22pm

No changes for EU/US TF H1/H4 as both sets as per the arrangements made. As of now, GOLD also remain the same. Present price for EU/US is 1.1368 Present price for GOLD is 1215.04

Nial Fuller review this week

EU/US The EURUSD ended last week basically unchanged after rotating lower on Thursday and Friday. We are still currently neutral on this market and looking to sell from higher prices. If price moves up and tests 1.1450 – 1.1500 key resistance area we could look to sell there in-line with the overall weekly chart downtrend. Potential downtrend from next week ? Gold - Spot Gold continues to look weak The spot Gold market consolidated last week, moving sideways. Whilst price is contained under the key resistance zone up near 1220.00 – 1208.00 we will remain more bearish biased on this market and will look to be sellers on any rallies as we see the potential for price to continue rolling over to the downside in the coming days. Potential downtrend ?

Update @ 9.03am

EU/US TF - H1 / H4 @ 9.03AM NO CHANGES -------------------------------- GOLD TF - H1 @9.04AM UTD - 1213.14 TP 1213.71 (57 pips) LTD -1191.80 TP 1164.94 (2686 pips) there`s changes to the Buy mode for TF H1 as our pending buy is @ 1219 - 1224. pending sell remain. so i have to cancel the open buy and look for pending sell as TF H4 also no possible good entry for buy. Sell post will use the TF H4 instead of TF H1 Therefore Sell Stop 1202 tp 1197. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thursday - 14/5/2015 0842am

Focuses will be on 2 pair - EU/US and GOLD though i prefer not to touch on GOLD but this is one the best pair to achieve quick profit but also quick loss. EU/US TF- H1 @ 8.43am UTD (buy) 1.1374 TP 1.1630 (256 PIPS) LTD (sell) 1.1359 TP 1.1262 (98 PIPS) present price is at 1.1336, therefore i`ll be open post this Buy Stop and Sell Limit using 0.02 lots. Buy Stop 1.1380 tp 1.1430 1.1440 tp 1.1490 1.1500 tp 1.1550 1.1560 tp 1.1610 Sell Limit 1.1350 tp 1.1300 Sell Stop 1.1290 tp 1.1270 NOtes : i have a present post which is floating at 1.1330 tp 1.1380 at 0.03 lot (this is from 13/5 evening) --- TF - H4@8.50am UTD (buy) 1.1266 tp 1.1418 (151pips) LTD (sell) 1.1221 tp 1.1048 (173pips) present price is at 1.1337, and as the post open using the TF1 - we'll see where it goes - NO opening post under TF4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD TF - H1 @ 8.53AM UTD (BUY) 1218.33 tp 1268.32 (4999 PIPS) LTD (SELL) 1191.76 tp 1164.90 (2686 pips) present price is at 1213.49, therefore i`ll open post using 0.01 lots. Buy Stop 1219 tp 1224 Sell Stop 1190 tp 1185 --- TF - H4@8.57am UTD 1196.33 tp 1214.58 (1826 pips) LTD 1203.40 tp 1184.14 (1920 PIPS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

New Day Towards Millionaire In Progress Phase 1

It`s been a while since i open this blog or update anything around here. What i would like to focus now is more on the updates on my forex journey as a Millionaire within 2 years period (i hope). This consist of 5 phases Phase 1 - 3 digits equity Phase 2 - 4 digits equity Phase 3 - 5 digits equity Phase 4 - 6 digits equity Phase 5 - 7 digits equity Surely by this week i can achieve the phase 1 as the initial opening account is only between 50usd. The system that i initially used was more of a scalping but on a bigger scale with open trading post, not via execution on the spot. However as i realize this will affect my margin and equity in long run and the reason for my failure previously, i chose to drop this method. I will be relying more using the Demarker Trend indicator which for me works well, though not 100% achieveable but does provide 80-90% success.