Saturday, December 26, 2015

Layer technique - big amount - USD100 per entry

The above are a sample trading method of one belonging to Hafizat Rusli. Though a lot of people claiming him to be scammer or otherwise, for his excessive charges, that is his own choice and reason.

But for me, i`m interested on his way of trading methodological skills.

To have an earning of USD399,496.44 and counting (MYR1,597,985.76) from a on going trade of "buy GJ" currency at an entry size of USD100 per trad.

It`s a simply breakout technique, which incorporate layer (instant layer) of  between 5-10 or more and the pips is between 15-20 pips each.

And such a big amount of "profit" can only be achievable provided you have a strong / large amount of equity.

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