Saturday, February 27, 2016

Weekly Au

Update Week 4th (22-26/2)

High - 0.72581

Low -  0.71172

Trend : Bearish

1. 0.72418
2. 0.71527
3. 0.71863
4. 0.72581

1. 0.70018
2. 0.69727
3. 0.70682
4. 0.71172

Last week notes 
- total pips made yesterday was at 140.9 pips
- bearish move as expected.

New Week NOtes
- price may continue bearish.
- price range SHUNPO is between 0.72257 to 0.69257

Sell Limit 0.72257 tp 0.69257
Buy Limit 0.69257 tp 0.72257

Trade Wisely
User Proper MM
Don`t Overtrade
Always Follow The Rules.

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